When I got to the mommy and me class, there were stairs leading to the apartment. I called the woman leading the class and asked her to come out and help me. I didn't tell her I have Cerebral Palsy. She cast me a quick up and down, so as she pulled the stroller up the stairs, I mentioned I had a slight disability. I feel like I should wear a sign saying I HAVE CEREBRAL PALSY. I hate explaining... sometimes I do, sometimes I don't...
Walking into her apartment, I saw all the other moms already sitting with their babies in a circle on the floor. There was no room to bring the stroller through to the circle, so I had to ask the woman to carry Naama to the circle. Someone thoughtfully put a chair out for me so I didn't have to sit on the floor like the rest of the mommies. I got glances from some mommies in the class. I don't blame them. I'd look too if I saw someone walking abnormally.
The class got started and at first I was holding Naama on my lap and moving her arms and legs to the puppet show and song.
Then I just sat her on the floor in front of me so she could explore a little. I stayed behind her at first because while she can sit on her own, she can't sit alone for a long period of time, so I was afraid she was going to fall back and hit her head on the leg of my chair, but she was fine and loved playing with other babies.
After the puppet show, they broke out the rattles and tamboreen bracelets.
I wanted to get in on this action, so I got down on the floor with Naama and together with the other babies and mommies we were shaking our tamboreens, rattling our rattles and singing away. I think I had a little too much fun...=) At nearly 9 months, Naama is still putting everything in her mouth, so of course in went the rattle and the tamboreen bracelet! The woman running the class must have read my mind because she said "to all new mommies, I've disinfected all the toys." Keep munching away then Naama!
When all the babies were back in a circle, the head of the class went around putting this big furry hat on each baby as she said their name. Unfortunately, I couldn't get in front of Naama in time to get a picture, so I had to settle for a back shot.
I think I was the only mom there with a camera. I lack the balance and strength to bend down to baby level and get really nice shots, so I do what I can. I was all over the place trying to get a good photo. Can you tell this was my first mommy and me class? =)
For one of the activities, all the mommies were holding their babies as they walked around in a circle and then jumped in and out of the circle. The other activity had the mommies walk around in a circle and the babies got to beat on a drum when the circle stopped. I don't have the balance to walk around holding Naama. I didn't say anything. For the activity where the mommies and babies jumped in and out of the circle, I just leaned back and forth in the chair with Naama in my arms. For the drum activity, when the circle reached me, the woman running the class brought the drum to Naama and let her bang on it=)
At the end of the class, I waited till nearly everyone was gone and then asked for help to carry Naama to her stroller.
Mommy and Me was a lot of fun! I had a blast and it looks like Naama loved it too!
One of the mommies in the class happened to be an old friend of my husband's from back in Australia. She recognized me and we walked out together. My new mommy friend mentioned how Naama was perfectly suited for me since she is such a calm, happy baby. Interesting how people pick that up almost right away=)
Getting on the bus home was a story. I won't get on through the back of bus because I'm always afraid the driver won't see me. When the front doors opened, I asked the driver if he could come closer to the curb so I wouldn't have a gap between the stroller and the bus. Instead of coming closer, the driver lowered the bus but no ramp came forth, so that didn't really help me. An elderly woman on the bus saw me and came to help me lift the stroller on the bus. Right away I realized my mistake of not getting on at the back. The stroller's back wheels were too large to fit through the narrow aisle toward the front of the bus and I couldn't just stand there because more people were boarding at each stop. I had no choice but to take Naama out of the stroller and hold her on my lap. The elderly woman helped me fold the stroller and we stuffed it as best we could by my legs. I had one arm around Naama and I was holding the stroller steady with the other arm. This was my first time on a bus in our city. In certain areas the city is very hilly with windy roads. I guess I let my mind wander for a moment during the ride because the next thing I know, the bus took a deep turn and caught me off gaurd. The stroller flew into the aisle and I almost lost my grip on Naama. I readjusted my grip and someone helped to put the stroller back, but my heart was racing and my hands were shaking. What was I thinking getting on a bus with Naama by myself?
Finally when I reached my stop, a woman helped me and Naama off the bus. I thanked her and then realized I got off about a stop early which meant I had to walk uphill in crazy hot weather. As I walked to meet my husband, I had mixed emotions. I felt like crying because the whole bus thing was such an ordeal and I was so embarrassed. I just wanted to go to the class so my baby could have a good time. On the other hand, I'm happy I went to the class with Naama. It was good for both of us.
When I told my husband what happened on the bus ride back, he wondered why I didn't just catch a cab home. I explained that taking a cab would've been nearly the same as taking a bus. I would still need help transferring Naama and dealing with the stroller.
I definitely want to go back to mommy and me next week. Maybe one of the mommies has a car and can give us a ride, but the ideal would be a mommy and me class in my area so I wouldn't have to worry about a 15 minute bus ride with Naama.
You did amazing. Motherhood has made me cry so many times! all the times I made an effort with my kid's best intention in mind and ended up struggling, stuck in the rain, or just in a tough situation. You are doing amazing! Love your posts!
ReplyDeleteIt takes a lot of courage to go out on your own with baby and have so much uncertainty about the transportation. I am actually tearing up after reading this because I can relate so much to the mommy and me class...when my 13 y.o. was a baby/toddler i took him to gymboree class (same concept) and i remember feeling bad that i couldn't lift him high up in the air during circle time, like everyone else did. It was a limitation i had to accept, and not let it ruin the fun that we did have there. Nevertheless, i know what it feels like to not be able to fully participate...it's not easy. As for transportation, it sounds like getting on the bus in the back will be the easiest way to go. Is babywearing an option for you? Or would there be a risk of falling with her?
ReplyDeleteI use a stroller more often than most people because it's easier for me to have my toddler contained than risk her trying to run away from me and the struggle that would ensue...and when she was an infant i had to use the stroller because i could only carry her short distances around the house, or to the car from the house. The stroller is a lifesaver :)
It would be so much easier to wear a baby carrier when we are out, but I don't think I have the balance to do that. Naama is a light baby at about 16 pounds, but I haven't tried wearing her in a carrier and it's something my husband isn't comfortable with me even trying.
DeleteI aiso use the stroller to transport her around the house. Total lifesaver=) The only thing that's a pain in the butt is having to clean the wheels before I come inside, otherwise Naama is crawling around a dirty floor. I did consider getting an inside stroller, but its cheaper to just continue wiping the wheels before coming into the house. Unfortunately I don't always have the time to do that before I have to take care of something else;(
You rock, Chaya! You're doing a great job! :) love, Mel
ReplyDeletekeep goin' girl!